About wine and grilling
Food n' Wine
About wine and grilling

A lot of people would prefer light beer over wine at a barbecue. It makes sense. Beers are light, refreshing, palate cleansing and the acidity can cut through fat and heavy meat. Yet where light beers add a refreshing and cooling effect wine can add more depth and complexity to your dishes.

However, which wines should you buy? Here’s some general advise:

wine barbecue pairingSparkling wines beat the heat and go great with almost any grilled food, like beer it has a palate cleansing effect. Leave expensive Champagnes in the cellar and go for easy to drink wines like Cava or Prosecco.

Rosés are made for hot weather and barbecues. Don’t go for the overtly sweet grape juice that is sometimes passed as rosé. Serve a cool, crisp and acidic rosé to conquer the grilled flavors of the food.

Serve your red wines cold. Strong flavors and big tannins on a hot day are too heavy. When you chill your red it will act more like iced tea. Just think of chilled black or oolong teas, they carry strong flavors as well and taste great cooled down. Put your bottle in the fridge in time and invest in something that can keep your bottle cool. Don’t water it down with ice cubes.

steak barbecue asado wine pairingDon’t splurge. Leave the high-end bottles for more elaborate occasions. Choose an affordable but by all means decent wine that can go with a salad as well as with a brisket.

Sangria is always a good idea. Make sure; however, you don’t make it too sweet. And grilling your fruit before adding it will add some depth to it.

If you have any suggestions yourselves, please share them in the comment section. Cheers!

[Article by Alexander Eeckhout]